Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rhythm(Repitition) Assignment

Technique: Overall, the pictures were taken in a sequence, so that they would in the end come out to blend together well. The idea was to set the camera on a tripod and have the subject move continuously as opposed to moving the camera to fit the location of the subject. The point of that was to make it so that when the subject was put in the same shot repeatedly, the image overall would look like the person moved, not the background. The process into editing the pictures was to take one of the shots from a sequence and use it as a background. Then to use the selection tool, and grab the other subjects and drag them into the background. Afterward I edited some of the layers so that the lighting matched up with the location of the subject. Also, it became necessary to add some shadow below the subject in some of the locations, so that the overall image looked more realistic.
Reflection: Since this was my first time ever creating images like this, I did have a lot to improve on. Firstly, my selections could have been a bit cleaner, up close you can see the spots from the other images. Secondly, I felt like I could have done something more interesting with my shots. I feel like I say that every assignment, so maybe next time I need to actually take out the time to figure out what I really want to shoot, and make it happen. However, I can't say that my model wasn't great, because he was. It was because of his willigness to let loose during the shoot that made it easier to take the shots. Overall, I am pretty happy with the images. But I would have prefered a nicer background, and maybe had a few action shots instead of just repition all the way through.

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